Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Are Tonsil Stones Contagious

If you have been following this blog and read my last few posts you will know I have suffered with tonsil stones for a long time, however, it wasn’t until the Internet grew in popularity that I realised what these stones were and was able to openly but anonymously discuss the problem with other suffers. Once I was able to do my own research online I established an effective treatment regime that worked for me and eliminated my tonsil stones but also all of the other associated problems that came with them such as ear pain, a sore throat and bad breath.

Given that I did not want to talk about tonsil stones with any “real people”, think embarrassing bodies, and it was exclusively something I research and discussed online there was one lingering concern that I had which I had not seen discussed anywhere and I could not really bring up with any "real" offline people.

Were My Tonsil Stones Contagious?

The last thing I wanted to do was to pass this problem onto someone else. I was seriously worried that my tonsil stones might be something that could be passed to someone else but it seemed like a topic which was not really discussed openly, even online. Everything that follows, as with everything else on this blog is quite unscientific but based on my experiences and opinions as a long term sufferer who has tried everything – there is no such thing as a professionally recognised tonsil stone expert but I would dare say that I know at least as much about this topic as anyone else out there!

Tonsil stones are not contagious in the simple sense of the word, I supposed if you were extremely unlucky they could be passed from one persons mouth to another, however, even if that would not mean that the unfortunate recipient would then be infected with tonsil stones and their production.

It is true that some people will never suffer with tonsil stones, this is due to the shape of the individuals tonsils and the small cracks and cavities within the tonsil, a fortunate few have very smooth tonsils and this in itself is enough to prevent the stones from forming, in fact, one surgical treatment for tonsil stones is a cryptolysis and the result of that treatment is that you end up with smooth tonsils. These people with smooth tonsils will never have an issue with tonsil stones and cannot become "infected". What can happen with regards to “passing on” tonsil stones if you live with someone is they can pick up your habits. While no one thing would likely pass tonsil stones from person A to person B if person A ate a particular diet and for example, person B also ate that diet and the diet was contributing to the growth of bacteria then, if person B was susceptible to tonsil stones they would be at increased risk.

In summary while tonsil stones are not contagious and cannot be passed from person to person the habits that contribute to one person having tonsil stones could be adapted by another if they, for example, move in with one another.

1 comment:

  1. How painful they can be. Found out that if you drink water with lemon juice, they reduce naturally. It took me two weeks to get rid of them by doing this.

    I have added the recipe on my blog: https://nigelmclarkson3.wixsite.com/tonsilstoneremoval

    Hope that helps and thanks for a really useful article here.

